Call Cleaver, call Marl
Call Clatter Mallock
The King’s rolling in Clover
He found his Shamrock.
Good Fortune, Abundance, oh Prosperity
The King’s rolling in Clover
and laughing with glee.
For two-hundred-thirty days
Year in, year out
He’s combed through the clover
for a four-leafed Shamrock.
Not a doctor or Druid Priest
could draw him away
as he pushed through the cushions
day after day.
We’d thought he had lost it
down there on his shins,
as he plucked at the sugar plums
to suck the nectar within.
We’d thought he had lost it
from his foot to his crown,
were worried he’d suffer
wounds from the ground.
We called his Knight, Flav
who became quite annoyed,
We could tell by his spasms,
complaints of ulcers…
To witness his King in this
undignified way
was not something he expected,
felt it dire, this behavior
end right away.
Call Cleaver, call Marl,
call Clatter Malloch
to pull the king from the Clover
our subjects may talk.
Here they come though, I don’t know
if the king can be restored to good health.
It might quite chronic, need a tonic
or fine healing salve.
(So we asked…)
Can you help, Sirs?
Yes, we can, Sir…
Well, we’ll give it a try
No pretense, here, it could be severe
We’ll tell not a lie.
But, he’s a symbol, keep it simple
Pretend to be cool
Relax him, bring him back in
the castle to rule.
The soft hairs upon their necks
stood up as they approached the king
as he played bucking bronco
while they coax him in.
Three times they tried together
to bring him away
But he whooped, laughed, fought, and coughed
‘til he got his own way.
‘til he got his own way.
So for,
Two-hundred-thirty days
year in, year out
he’s combed through the clover
for a four-leafed Shamrock.
Not a doctor, or a druid priest
Not a doctor, or a druid priest
could draw him away,
Until perhaps,
this v-e-r-y day!
Call Cleaver, Call Marl
Call Clatter Mallock,
The King’s rolling in Clover,He found his Shamrock.
some of the properties
of a plant,
plus its uses and looks.
If you'd like to hear them
as I am often on the wing,
You may contact me through
this address (
then I'll give you a ring.