as her eyes were the bluest of blue
Some said she soon be Queen
while others spat things
Some said she soon be Queen
while others spat things
that weren’t at all, at all, true,
“She’s the Devil’s plaything”
they whispered, then shouted
from their grey-green narrow doors
“It’s all because of her bright ideas”,
“She’s the Devil’s plaything”
they whispered, then shouted
from their grey-green narrow doors
“It’s all because of her bright ideas”,
they expleted,
“We’ll forever be pitted
in sanguinary wars!
She’s trying to supplant Queen Nina
Did you see the lady’s mantle that she wore
as she rode the early stage coach
with General Tauhnic beside her
right up to Noble Yarrauh’s door.
It’s embroidered with a thousand leaves
and has piles and piles of divine pearls sewn on,
“We’ll forever be pitted
in sanguinary wars!
She’s trying to supplant Queen Nina
Did you see the lady’s mantle that she wore
as she rode the early stage coach
with General Tauhnic beside her
right up to Noble Yarrauh’s door.
It’s embroidered with a thousand leaves
and has piles and piles of divine pearls sewn on,
Unlike the emperor’s new clothes
the children do see this
extraordinary cloth.
the children do see this
extraordinary cloth.
Well, one knows all this fashion’ll do is amuse ‘cause,
as it is bestowed by Noble Yarrauh
she will become a meal for him
she will become a meal for him
just another small pocket to go in
I’ll say, “Tut tut, black soot ‘n apples.”
I’s more irritated as she caused
Prince Hederich
to suffer an awful nose bleed
and many of our relations
scalds and burns
from boiling water that was heaved
I’ll say, “Tut tut, black soot ‘n apples.”
I’s more irritated as she caused
Prince Hederich
to suffer an awful nose bleed
and many of our relations
scalds and burns
from boiling water that was heaved
from a cauldron over the parapet;
this bath serving as a solution
to pour upon those
this bath serving as a solution
to pour upon those
shouting and banging at her door
for an impromtu lynching.
Well now it appears she hems in her rages
beneath an umbrella of tiny white flowers
holding them demurely, like a thousand seals
at her heart, while I believe
she brews up an apparition of female troubles.
Yes, she cast an incantation
to ensure seven years of love
We saw her sprinkle old man’s pepper
in a circle by the Ragweed
upon a golden ground.
We saw her through the oculus,
in a pasture, with her dog, Daisy at her skirt
She wore a large ring with a white arrow
probably to bring
forth a child’s birth
Now the men do goggle at her
bloom’in June right to September
looking all hot and bothered
warm and sweating,
about their collars.
“Come now!”, called Knight Milfoil
entering the center of the gathering crowd,
“Surely this talk is just jealous fevers
Lower the pressure, relax
Get some rest, break it up
Give all at least 24 hours.
But still they continued pouring forth
each their own peculiar
thoughts and accusations
for an impromtu lynching.
Well now it appears she hems in her rages
beneath an umbrella of tiny white flowers
holding them demurely, like a thousand seals
at her heart, while I believe
she brews up an apparition of female troubles.
Yes, she cast an incantation
to ensure seven years of love
We saw her sprinkle old man’s pepper
in a circle by the Ragweed
upon a golden ground.
We saw her through the oculus,
in a pasture, with her dog, Daisy at her skirt
She wore a large ring with a white arrow
probably to bring
forth a child’s birth
Now the men do goggle at her
bloom’in June right to September
looking all hot and bothered
warm and sweating,
about their collars.
“Come now!”, called Knight Milfoil
entering the center of the gathering crowd,
“Surely this talk is just jealous fevers
Lower the pressure, relax
Get some rest, break it up
Give all at least 24 hours.
But still they continued pouring forth
each their own peculiar
thoughts and accusations
driving all up to a feverish pitch
When really, all was just speculation.
When really, all was just speculation.
Anna Steasiah should’ve been chosen
on that fair mid-summer day,
when the dew was drying in the early morning sun
She should’ve been the chosen one
by Prince Hederich to become first lady.
But then there came Milly Foyin,
repelling as an ornery gargoyle
she the reason for the
brute operation
that brought a cauldron of water to boil.
Gordaldo & Gordoloba piped in
with their own two cents
in a chorus they snidely chimed together,
“She also strong smelling,
with lips bitter tasting,
nothing more than a thrombotic wench.
Gordaldo & Gordoloba piped in
with their own two cents
in a chorus they snidely chimed together,
“She also strong smelling,
with lips bitter tasting,
nothing more than a thrombotic wench.
Prince Hederich felt like he died a bit then
when he caught wind of
when he caught wind of
these prattling incriminations,
“I should tie these fools together
with the toughest of leather
for their outrageous vicious fabrications”.
Yes it’s true I suffered a nose bleed
and over 85 of our relations,
are caught within pocket wars,
but this has nothing to do with a lady’s incantaion
(or my own private personal relations)
of this your can rest, assured.
He pushed his way within the heat of them all
despite the fact
the news had previously stopped him cold
with the hope that this fever would soon break up
once his thoughts and feelings to the crowd were told.
“I should tie these fools together
with the toughest of leather
for their outrageous vicious fabrications”.
Yes it’s true I suffered a nose bleed
and over 85 of our relations,
are caught within pocket wars,
but this has nothing to do with a lady’s incantaion
(or my own private personal relations)
of this your can rest, assured.
He pushed his way within the heat of them all
despite the fact
the news had previously stopped him cold
with the hope that this fever would soon break up
once his thoughts and feelings to the crowd were told.
Yes, it’s true that Anna Steasiah
should’ve been chosen
on that fair mid-summer day
when the dew was drying,
should’ve been chosen
on that fair mid-summer day
when the dew was drying,
but listen now, I’m not lying
you’ll see,
you’ll see,
in the end
all will be much better
this other way.
Till then all will be intense until I
plan a way out of these pocket wars;
all will be much better
this other way.
Till then all will be intense until I
plan a way out of these pocket wars;
Meanwhile, do go back in time
remember how fine
our lives were
when we lived out our
ideas of a man’s true role.
Do keep the peace,
when we lived out our
ideas of a man’s true role.
Do keep the peace,
build strong bridges
though the truth can really ache
repel vicious rumours
don’t be rash or
though the truth can really ache
repel vicious rumours
don’t be rash or
behave like sore losers
please, for our dear
please, for our dear
Queen Nina’s sake.
In then came Noble Yarrow
wrapped in emotions
that visibly ebbed and flowed
as he expressed what was upon his mind
while trying to be kind
to bring all this commotion to a close.
wrapped in emotions
that visibly ebbed and flowed
as he expressed what was upon his mind
while trying to be kind
to bring all this commotion to a close.
Do please lower the blood pressure,
arrest this hemorrhaging,
circulate amongst yourself
some pain relief,
make not a scape-goat of
dear Azulene.
Stop shouting bull at her,
Tell me, what’s the matter
with you all, especially
you two carpenter’s, you’re crass!
Rinse all thoughts from your minds
that are terribly unkind
They are causing many
to feel aghast.
Azulene only begged for reconsideration
concerning our relations
in regard to the new borderlines planned.
She’s not trying to supplant Queen Nina
they’re best of friends, you see
and she’s much too dear
within her heart to do that.
This situation has become too volatile
and though I know it’s good for you and I
to expel a bit of gas now and then
Let us do clear the air
No more contribute here
No more contribute here
to the effluvium
Let us go home.
Let us go home.
This unexpected bit of humour
opened the door to laughter
which then had a soothing effect
So they began to trickle home
and from thereon
kept the peace
opened the door to laughter
which then had a soothing effect
So they began to trickle home
and from thereon
kept the peace
for Queen Nina’s sake.
some of the properties
of a plant,
plus its uses and looks.
If you'd like to hear them
as I am often on the wing,
You may contact me through
this address (
then I'll give you a ring.
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